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Membership at Pinecrest

How to Become a Member:

1. By Profession of Faith and Baptism - If you will receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord and follow Him in baptism by immersion, we will welcome you into our fellowship. If you have received Christ as your Saviour but have never identified with Christ in Believer’s Baptism by immersion, we will happily baptize you into the membership of our church family.

2. By Letter from a Church of Like-Faith and Practice - If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, identified with Christ in Believer’s Baptism by immersion, are a member of a church of like faith and would like to transfer your membership, we will welcome you into our church family.

3. By Statement of Faith - In the event, church membership records are not available for a transfer of membership, or if you are a Christian and have followed Christ in Believer’s Baptism but are presently a member of another denomination, or not a member anywhere, we will accept you based upon your statement of faith.

**Our desire is for every candidate for membership to meet personally with a pastoral staff member prior to joining. All candidates for membership will be received on Celebration Sunday (the last Sunday of every month.)



Discipleship at Pinecrest


The Three Levels of Discipleship:


Level One - The Doorway Class | The Doorway Class is a two-week introductory class that we require every prospective member to attend. In this class we discuss biblical teachings on the local church, our philosophy of ministry, and various aspects of church life at Pinecrest. The Doorway Class meets the 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month at 8:50 am and is a requirement for membership at Pinecrest. 





Level Two - “Take it Personally” Evangelism Training | Most Christians want to share their faith, but many feel unequipped. “Take it Personally” is an encouraging & practical four-week training course where you will learn how to initiate a spiritual conversation, share Christ with others and how to cultivate relationships with people who do not know Christ. “Take it Personally” meets once a quarter on Sunday mornings at 8:50 am and is a requirement for any member wanting to serve in ministry at Pinecrest.


Level Three - “Continue” One on One Discipleship Training | “Continue” is a fourteen-week discipleship training that covers key Bible doctrines and provides personal application. “Continue” helps ground Christians in God's Word and develop a growing walk with Christ. Each week includes daily devotions to encourage and help you develop the habit of getting into God's Word. “Continue” meets weekly on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm and is a requirement for any member wanting to serve in a leadership position. 

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